
Friday, November 5, 2010

Crocheted Butterfly scarf + link to FREE pattern!

The pattern I used

Butterflies close up

 So. I made my little cousins some scarves. For the older and middle one I used the pattern I linked to above, but they're different. I said you could see the middle child's scarf, so I've added pictures. :) She liked it, so I was happy. The youngest kid's scarf I'm still working on, I'm using seed crochet and it's taking me forever to finish. I do like the way seed crochet looks though. It'd be very nice as a border too.

with beige fringe
I checked out the library for pattern books and found some really good ones! These two were my favorites. So even if you don't think you'll find anything in your library, just check and see! You might find something really cool, and then you can make copies to keep the patterns for freeeee.

This might be stupid tip, but when I find a cute pattern that I REALLY like that is free (I just freaking love free stuff though XD) I make sure to keep it! I have a huge folder with tons of patterns that I wrote really dorky stuff on--literally there is a quote about the "war between knit and crochet"!!!!)--and I have printed off patterns that I found on blogs, patterns I made a photocopy of from a book, those free little patterns you can pick up at craft stores... Like just oodles of patterns! And even though I'm always looking at new patterns, I will always have those one in case the blog I found one no longer exists in a few years, I can't find an online version of something random I decided I needed in my life.. etc. Look, I hoard patterns okay. I'm not proud of it. But in 10 years I'll put out something crazy and everyone will freak out about it. You'll see. What were we talking about?

Right. So go to your local library, I bet there's more there than you think. I've even found crochet videos I can rent at my library!

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